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Investment Inquiries

Investment Managers may submit information to investmentsolicitations@fppaco.org


The Colorado Revised Statutes establish the authority of FPPA’s Board of Directors to invest the assets of the Fire & Police Members' Benefit Investment Fund. In exercising its authority to invest and manage Fund assets, the Board is governed by the “Uniform Prudent Investor Act.” The Board’s investment objectives, policies and guidelines are outlined in the FPPA Annual Report. Investment staff and an outside consultant assist the Board in implementing its investment policies.

Fund Definitions

Fire & Police Members' Benefit Investment Fund

Includes the assets of the following plans:

  • Statewide Retirement Plan: Defined Benefit Component
  • Statewide Retirement Plan: Hybrid Defined Benefit Component
  • Statewide Retirement Plan: Social Security Component
  • Colorado Springs New Hire Pension Plan
  • Statewide Death & Disability Plan
  • Certain DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Plans) which are not self-directed
  • Plus over 200 affiliated local "Old Hire" plans and Volunteer Fire pension plans


Fire & Police Members' Self-Directed Investment Fund

This fund includes the assets of the following plans:

  • Statewide Retirement Plan: Money Purchase Component
  • Statewide Money Purchase Plan
  • FPPA 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
  • Certain DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Plans) which are self-directed


The overall investment objective of the Fund is to prudently manage and balance the investment needs (risks and return) of all plans participating in the Fund, including the need to eliminate current unfunded liabilities and/or to protect surpluses. In developing long-term investment objectives, investment class allocations, and investment guidelines, we recognize that the Fund includes the assets of several different benefit plans, each with a distinct time horizon, risk tolerance, cash flow and liquidity needs, number of participants and benefit adjustment objectives. In consideration of these factors, effective July 1, 2019, plans are grouped into different investment pools:

Pool Name Description
Long-Term Pool Designed primarily for open plans with a longer time horizon, higher risk tolerance, and lower liquidity needs.
Short-Term Pool Designed primarily for closed plans with a shorter time horizon, lower risk tolerance, and higher liquidity needs.
Glide Path Pool Designed for plans that need to transition over time from the Long-Term Pool to the Short-Term Pool.

The Short-Term Pool and the Glide-Path Pool will have lower expected investment returns than the Long-Term Pool, which may affect required contributions for plans participating in these two pools. Please contact FPPA with questions regarding specific plan assignments.

Fund Valuation

As of December 31, 2024, The Fire & Police Members' Benefit Investment Fund totaled $7.358 Billion.

Pool Name Fund Value
Long-Term Pool $6.102 billion
Short-Term Pool $31.075 million
Glide Path Pool $1.098 billion


Asset Allocation Policy

The Board will conduct an asset/liability study as needed, but at a minimum every three years. The purpose of the study is to develop appropriate investment allocation targets and ranges which are generally expected to achieve the performance objectives relative to the liability and liquidity needs of the Pools and the overall risk tolerance of the Board. The Board relies upon analyses and recommendations from the Staff, Investment Consultant, FPPA’s actuary, and any other expert opinion that it determines is advisable. The Total Fund will be maintained as a single investment entity, with participation by the Pools to be achieved through accounting unitization.

Long-Term Pool Asset Allocation as of December 31, 2024

Target Asset Allocation Actual Asset Allocation
FPPA Investments Asset Allocations FPPA Investments Asset Allocations
Asset Class Target Percentage Actual Percentage
Global Public Equity 38.0% 38.5%
Long/Short Equity 6.0% 6.4%
Private Markets 31.0% 30.8%
Diversifiers 9.0% 8.5%
Fixed Income: Rates 7.0% 8.1%
Fixed Income: Credit 5.0% 4.3%
Liquidity 4.0% 3.4%

Asset Class Definitions

Class Name Definition
Global Public Equity Global • United States • International • Emerging Markets • Opportunistic
Long/Short Equity Mid-Net Long/Short Equity • Activest • Event Driven
Illiquid Alternatives Private Equity • Private Debt • Real Assets • Real Estate
Diversifiers Global Macro • Multi-Strategy • Low Beta Long/Short Equity • Alternative Beta • Opportunistic
Fixed Income: Rates Core Fixed Income
Fixed Income: Credit Multi-Sector • Structured • Opportunistic • Private

Long-Term Pool Annualized Returns: Last 10 Years (Net of Fees)

FPPA Investments Annualized Returns for the last ten years

Year Annualized Return
2015 1.85%
2016 5.51%
2017 14.95%
2018 0.10%
2019 14.76%
2020 13.59%
2021 15.17%
2022 (7.84%)
2023 9.97%
2024 10.03%

Annualized return since inception: 9.19%

Long-Term Pool Asset Class Returns as of December 31, 2024 (Net of Fees)

Q4 Year to Date 1 Year 3 Years (Annualized) 5 Years (Annualized)
Long-Term Pool 0.19% 10.03% 10.03% 3.70% 7.84%
Long-Term Pool Benchmark Return 0.11% 10.23% 10.23% 3.58% 8.17%
Global Public Equity (1.23%) 15.13% 15.13% 2.57% 7.73%
Long/Short Equity 2.25% 12.16% 12.16% 3.69% 5.99%
Fixed Income: Rates (3.30%) 1.28% 1.28% (2.20%) (0.12%)
Fixed Income: Credit (0.54%) 5.38% 5.38% 1.62% 2.24%
Diversifiers 3.72% 8.82% 8.82% 7.93% 7.81%
Private Markets 0.72% 5.20% 5.20% 4.32% 10.72%





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